Honouring Life Force

28th January, 2022.

When you dishonour your life force, you dishonour the life force of the planet. 

We were never all meant to work in the same rhythms, speeds and scales.

We all have seasons.

At times we’re more creative and can output loads, whilst other times we require spaciousness, introspection, to rest and just be. 

Current systems tell us that the more we work, the more we ‘do’, the more of value we are to the world. 

This is false validation, when your sense of worth is attached to doing. 

It’s not what you do, nor how much you do, but who you be and how you be in that process. 

The old paradigm negates rest, pleasure, joy, connection, as it strives toward mindless extraction, exploitation, pillaging. 

Fashion very much follows these rhythms. 

In my 15 years of being in this industry, I’ve experienced and seen so many burn out, have mental breakdowns, loose their sense of self-worth as well as quit and completely change trajectories. 

Modern fashion rhythms do not honour our life force.

They do not honour the diversity of ways of doing and the plethora of speeds, scales and timelines that this can manifest through. They do not honour our innate humanness. 

Other ways are possible and are already happening around us as courageous souls choose to attune their creations to rhythms that feel good to them, that works for the lifestyle they desire. 

As we birth new systems and paradigms for more beautiful worlds, let us not negate the importance of the life force and energy that we are building these from. 

If we are coming from a place of scarcity, division, exhaustion, disconnection from self, others and Earth, then we are simply re-creating the outdated ways that are serving us no more.

When you honour your life force, you honour the life force of the planet.

How can you listen to your life force with more than the ears and develop an intimate and co-creative relationship with it? 

What does your life force need to be nourished today? 

How is your life force asking you to show up in this moment? 


Embodying New Fashion Worlds


Depths of Understanding