Depths of Understanding

21st January, 2022.

I’m no longer interested in creating sustainability. 

I’m interested in the depths of understanding that I, that we, can attune to for what is needed in this time now, for all of creation. 

What do I stand for?

What do I want to take forward and what do I want to leave behind?

What are the visions that I have for the more beautiful world(s)?

Sustainability is a natural by product of these attunements.

How deeply can we allow ourselves to dance into and with the subtle realms of these ancient made new again tones? Tones that seem more necessary now than ever that are weaving their threads through:

Care: Deep deep care for ourselves, one another, Gaia and all of the beings that we share this beautiful planet with. This includes radical compassion and acceptance of others, no matter our differing worldview’s;

Reverence: Living life as if everything was sacred, because it fucking is. Each moment is a miracle and an opportunity to open oneself up to more magic, intimacy and bliss. This also includes a re-sacralisation and a re-honouring of the material world. All matter is sacred and we should treat it as such;

Reciprocity: How can we share, give, receive with all kin? How can we give back more than we take? How can we honour the Earth, her cycles and rhythms? How can our actions show the deep gratitude we have toward Her and the endless abundance she shares with us?;

Community: How can we open more to deeper intimacy with others, sharing and working toward collective visions and actions? This isn’t about negating ones authenticity, but instead making space to connect with humans and the more-than-human, as well as allow oneself to be held and also hold;

Embodiment: Can we propel analysing and strategising these ideas through the mind toward also embodying them through our hearts, spirits and bodies? What does it look and feel like when we live from this embodied depth of understanding? 

In such a way, sustainability can’t help but naturally emerge from this depth of understanding.


Honouring Life Force


What is the blueprint that we want to ground the way going forward within?