What would the world be like if we imbued magic, ritual, reverence and intention into creating?

Monthly New Moon online gatherings that reconnect us to the magic of textiles and the creation process.

Through intention, ritual and stitching, we gather, let go, and envision new worlds into being.

beginNING JuLY, 2024.

Please prepare the following materials:

  • Medium-large embroidery/ darning needle.

  • Embroidery threads of your choice. Cotton, silk, or wool work well.

  • Scissors.

  • Embroidery hoop of a convenient size for you.

  • A piece of fabric that you’d like to embroider upon. Cotton or linen fabric work well. 

  • A journal and something to write with. 

*Everyone is welcome. However, this is not a step-by-step class that teaches you how to stitch. Everyone will be invited to stitch intuitively. If you have no prior experience with stitching, I invite you to watch a few tutorials on YouTube to familiarise yourself with some basics. The best way to learn to stitch is just by doing it, so come along and just give it a go. 

These gatherings will not be recorded. If you cannot make the date, please wait until the next New Moon to attend. 

Historically, many cultures viewed the creation of textiles, crafts and garments as sacred activities that held vast importance for the well-being of the community. The process of creating textiles was seen as mythological, a process of preserving sacred knowledge as threads were woven into the past, then to the sacred object in the present, and into future worlds. 

During these creation processes, women would share their dreams and whisper prayers, symbolically weaving these into the cloth.

In a world obsessed with speed and incessant growth, where so much is continually demanded from us, we gather every New Moon on Zoom to slow down and connect in ritual.  

Here, outcomes don’t matter. All that is required is an openness and curiosity to connect to materials and process. 

I invite you to join us in coming together to envision and
stitch new possibilities into being.