Embodying New Fashion Worlds

How much are we actually embodying the new worlds and paradigms we are calling in and co-creating?

How much is still sitting in the head space, been measured, rationalised, solutionised…?

How much are we attuning into these new worlds with our bodies, our hearts and spirits? 

Can we let these essences of care, reciprocity, reverence, co-creation and community weave their threads into how we move through the day to day, how we dance through all of life? 

Can we alchemise with these new codes beyond just ‘set containers’ and let them permeate into all that we do, into the mundane and everyday? 

All of life is the ceremony. 

How do we embody that which our hearts desire?

Can we become it instead of waiting for it to happen on the outside first?

Can we cultivate such deep audacity, sovereignty and radical envisioning that its seeds can’t help but sprout high into form?

Can we reactivate the deep and ancient understanding that lives within our cells on how fucking amazing it can be here?

So much of the dissonance I feel toward parts of the sustainability and spiritual spaces is the lack of embodiment that is coming through. There is a lack of embodying values and teachings, where so much is just head based and missing the integration and union with the body-heart-spirit.

What would it be like if each word that came out of our mouths, each movement we made, each creation, the energy emanating from our fields, was so fucking embodied and grounded in what we desired for this world? 

What would it look like to live and co-create from this place of embodiment? 

Photo taken on Dharawal Country by Zosia Zoltkowski, 2020.


Clothing & the Sensual


Honouring Life Force