Clothing & the Sensual

Re-sensitising my body towards pleasure, joy and rest, has allowed me to feel into greater depths of aliveness and oneness within myself, the Earth and all of Creation

This allows me to show up from an embodied place, where I am able to imagine and anchor in new and rich possibilities as well as co-create in regenerative ways that are rooted in wholeness (spirit-heart-body-mind). 

This has gifted me vitality for my work in the world, as I am grounded within myself and what I am here to do in this time, and less inclined to accept old states of being still thrown onto the collective each day. 

There is a potency in living from within outward, as I allow the pleasure generated in my body each day to seep into all that I do. 

Clothing is a collaborator toward this re-sensitisation toward sensual ways of being in the world. 

As we wear them, garments act as extensions of our bodies that represent diverse expressions and authenticity, a fluid continuity that blurs borders between self and material. 

Clothing acts as the mediator between the flesh and the outside world, as its allows us to attune to the various somatic, emotional and spiritual sensations that may arise as we feel it gripping, draping, folding upon, enhancing, hiding or hugging our flesh. 

A re-orientation out of our minds and into our bodies occurs, as we re-connect to the bodily senses that whisper to us to slow down, pause, listen and enjoy. 

The sun, the air, the Earth against my skin, the ocean surrounding me, create sensations that awaken my wholeness and remind me of my interconnectedness to all life on this planet and beyond. 

As I attune to this intrinsic web of life, materials hug my body and are part of this ecology of relationality, reciprocity and reverence. 

I bow down in gratitude to the numerous plant, human, material and energetic communities that it took to co-create these garments that now adorn my body, that hug me and hold me in all of my earthly experiences. 

How blessed we are to have these material friends by our sides, colouring and enhancing our bodies and our lives, sensitising and heightening our experiences, and bringing us into more profound depths of understandings for our world right now. 

Photo taken by Adam Chang.


A Relational Worldview


Embodying New Fashion Worlds