A Relational Worldview

We exist in a web of relationality, and all that we create is a result of multiple organisms and matter supporting, nourishing and co-creating with one another. 

My work is an emergence of these diverse interconnections, places, beings, and experiences that have touched me, all of which permeate and inform my creations.

I am in an ever-evolving living process of interconnectedness and co-creation. I am grateful for being so supported on this journey by incredible humans, the more-than-human, places, ancestors, guides, all matter, and future generations.

Relationships and responsibilities toward care, reciprocity and reverence for all life are in a constant state of becoming, as each day, I am reminded of the student I am. 

Fashion and design systems can be Regenerative, Nourishing, Pleasurable, Abundant, Joyful, and Liberating. 

My work illuminates toward these pathways. 

The relational depths of understanding that I am currently attuning to are:

Deep, deep care for ourselves, one another, the Earth and all of Creation. This includes care for places, materials, the microbial. That which is seen and unseen. Practices of care are varied and may include regeneration, rest, self-care, land care, mending, tending and more. 

Reciprocity is the energetic and physical exchange of existence. How much are we taking? How much are we giving back? What does sharing, giving and receiving practices with all kin look like? How can we give back more than we take? How can we honour the Earth, her cycles and rhythms, and those within us? How can we offer gratitude to all of Creation and the abundance here for us? How do we become stewards of reciprocal worlds?

How do we live life as if everything was sacred? Because it is. Each moment is a miracle and an opportunity to open oneself up to more magic, intimacy and bliss with the web of life. How do we honour this sacredness in our daily lives and creative practices? This also includes a re-sacralisation and a re-honouring of the material world. All matter, even that which has been deemed inanimate, is alive, sentient and sovereign.

To bring forth an ethic of relationality is a fine attunement, a re-sensitisation to how we experience the web of life. How do we restore the ability to sense into the world around us? Our senses allow us to commune with all of the threads of life, nature, all beings, and the many subtleties of the world. 

How do we open to deeper intimacy with others and our more-than-human community? What does this look like daily, in the mundane and ordinary? What are the collective visions and actions we are working toward? This is not about negating one's authenticity, but instead making space to connect with humans with community, support and be supported by the eco-system of life.

It doesn't matter how many fancy or academic concepts we can conjure up. Bringing transformational ideas and pathways to life requires a groundedness in physical form through everyday, simple and material practices. This is what translates the conceptual and ethereal into action to catalyse change.    

How deeply can we allow ourselves to dance into and with the subtle realms of these ancient made new again tones?
Tones that seem more necessary now than ever that are weaving their threads through…




Clothing & the Sensual